“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts”
An interactive hybrid digital novel that conveys the concept of emergence or “The movement from low-level rules to higher-level sophistication” as Steven Johnson puts it in his book ‘Emergence’ (2001). Using P5.js, this interactive piece explores the notion of individuals coming together to form something greater than the sum of each other through different scenarios in a poetic and refined minimalist tone.

To create something like this, lots of planning was done prior to even beginning to code in the form of storyboarding and pseudocoding. To help guide me, adjectives were chosen to steer the tone and personality of the piece which included simple, refined, poetic, metaphoric and delightful.

Despite all the planning, creative coding enables quick experimentation of changes to visuals such as through colour, timing, animation and the user interaction itself.
All the interactions that take place in this piece use Object-Oriented Programming, a very powerful form of programming that allowed the various particle systems to come to life in the design.